I read that one of the goals of AirDAO governance is to create groups, and one of these groups will be responsible for legal matters.
The goals of this group include establishing a DAO structure, a Constitution/Governance Charter, a Voting Charter, etc.
I think we can benefit from and learn from other decentralized organizations.
We can read what they have already prepared.
I know that every organization has special circumstances that differ from others. For example, there is no constitution or governance rules that are suitable for all organizations, and it is not possible to copy them from others.
But studying what others have written will certainly help us prepare for what we want.
When I started getting involved in crypto communities, I found that most of them already had rules for governance and voting, but I rarely found a decentralized organization that had a constitution or a document with the title “The Constitution.”
These are a few attempts to write constitutions in other decentralized organizations, and as I said before, we will not find many examples of constitutions in decentralized organizations to study and learn from, so sharing these links with the community is important.
This is why I started talking about the constitution and not, for example, the Governance Charter, because I know that there are not many constitutions written in other decentralized organizations that we can learn from.
Links to various constitutions
The Amended Constitution of the Arbitrum DAO
Pocket Foundation
We, the Contributors to Pocket Network, are united together in the mission to build censorship-resistant technology that will lay the foundation for reorganizing the world’s institutions towards a more equitable, hyper-connected, interplanetary future.
# Principles
1. **Credible Neutrality:** No one User should be favored over any other within their demographic. For example, Protocol Upgrades which favor Nodes over Apps are neutral, but Protocol Upgrades which favor specific App types (e.g. exchanges) or specific Apps (e.g. Binance) are not neutral.
2. **Sustainable Decentralization:** Pocket Network should optimize for as many sovereign Nodes as possible, because this reinforces the resilience and censorship-resistance of the service, but this should not be rushed at the cost of the sustainable growth of Pocket Network.
3. **User-Centrism:** Pocket Network is specialized to provide reliable decentralized infrastructure to Users. We must therefore continue to optimize for 1) User adoption and 2) the qualities that contribute to reliable infrastructure: network redundancy, robust data integrity, data sovereignty, minimal latency, minimal downtime, and minimalist engineering.
4. **Freedom of Movement:** Entry to Pocket Network should be accessible to both Apps and Nodes. Equally, all Pocket Network stakeholders should enjoy the right to exit.
5. **Optionality:** Operating a Node should incur no more costs than the cost of operation. All other responsibilities, e.g. participation in the Council, should be optional.
6. **Agnosticism:** Pocket Network should maintain neutrality as a middleware protocol. While the governance of Pocket Network may be reliant from time to time on other networks or tools, the system itself should retain a level of modularity that facilitates switching out components with minimal friction.
7. **Cross-Chain Diplomacy:** Pocket Network is a middleware protocol, which means our community will come from a wide range of blockchain communities. DAO participants must leave tribalism at the door; they should refrain from engaging in political debates that are not directly relevant to improving the service that Pocket Network provides.
8. **Consensual Collaboration:** While the Pocket Network Council is relatively permissionless, this does not mean anyone is entitled to work. Proposals will be assessed on their merits alone, including Contributors’ fitness to fulfill the proposal. Likewise, Contributors are not required to let any other Contributor work with them, unless the Council has approved a proposal to that effect.
* The Principles are ranked in order of priority.
* Decisions must be made according to their furtherance of the Principles.
* When deciding between alternatives, these alternatives shall be prioritized according to the ordering of the Principles listed above, with higher-ranking Principles to always take priority over lower-ranking Principles.
* Lower-ranking Principles should only be sacrificed in favor of higher-ranking Principles if a Pareto optimal state has been achieved, i.e. it is not possible to improve one Principle without making another Principle worse off. Until then, the Council shall seek to make only Pareto improvements, where Principles are improved without making any other Principles worse off.
* Once it is no longer possible to optimize any Principle without sacrificing another, this Constitution should be amended to introduce minimum satisfaction thresholds on each Principle.
* Stakeholder rights at any given moment, as defined by the values of On-Chain parameters, may justifiably be sacrificed in the furtherance of the Principles, because it is intended that the Principles, if achieved, will ensure maximum utility to maximum stakeholders.
* The Principles should be designed, in all future iterations of this Constitution, to optimally achieve the mission of Pocket Network, which is defined in the first line of this Constitution.
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# Constitution of FreeLoaderz Community Association
# Adopted April 20th, 2022 by DAO vote
# Preamble
As users of the Cardano network, the members of FreeLoaderz come together to form this organization that will serve our community. Our founders originate from around the world, with different identities and experiences. We are brought together in our hope that decentralized technologies will allow us to cooperate in a renewed spirit of honesty and equality.
We seek to operate our organization according to the principles made manifest in blockchain technologies. Our knowledge shall be shared, and our actions shall be auditable. Our motivations shall be transparent, and our records shall be immutable. We will provide a forum where all voices are heard, and governance that ensures that the will of the whole shall be executed. Anyone may associate or disassociate freely while we collectively build tools for everyone to use. The spirit of our organization shall be this one unrelenting quest: Decentralization Together.
# Article I - Organization
**Section 1.1 - Status.** Section 1.1 - Status. FreeLoaderz DAO LLC is an unincorporated association under Wyo. Stat. Title 17, Ch. 22 of the laws of the state of Wyoming.
FreeLoaderz is not intended to be, and shall not be deemed to be, a partnership.
**Section 1.2 - Purposes.** As more fully stated in its Mission Statement (as may be updated from time to time via governance) FreeLoaderz is organized for the following purposes:
- To provide utility for the network that utilizes stake pool relay servers via api services.
- To develop tools for decentralized transaction submission and token distribution.
- To offer educational, technical, organizational, and financial support in designing decentralized services.
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# Constitution of ADAO Community Association
### Originally Adopted 1st March, 2022, Cardano Epoch 324
# Preamble
As users of the Cardano network, the members of ADAO come together to form this organization that will serve our community. Our founders originate from around the world, with different identities and experiences. We are brought together in our hope that decentralized technologies will allow us to cooperate in a renewed spirit of honesty and equality.
We seek to operate our organization according to the principles made manifest in blockchain technologies. Our knowledge shall be shared, and our actions shall be auditable. Our motivations shall be transparent, and our records shall be immutable. We will provide a forum where all voices are heard, and governance that ensures that the will of the whole shall be executed. Anyone may associate or disassociate freely while we collectively build tools for everyone to use. The mantra of our organization shall be this one unrelenting quest: Decentralization Together.
# Article I - Organization
**Section 1.1 - Status.** ADAO Community Association (referred to in this agreement as “ADAO”) is an unincorporated nonprofit decentralized autonomous organization operating on the Cardano blockchain platform.
ADAO is not intended to be, and shall not be deemed to be, a partnership.
**Section 1.2 - Purposes.** As more fully stated in its Mission Statement (as may be updated from time to time via governance) ADAO is organized for the following purposes:
- To share knowledge about what DAOs are and how to use them effectively.
- To develop tools for decentralized coordination and DAO governance on the blockchain.
- To offer educational, technical, organizational, and financial support in designing decentralized governance and developing DAOs.
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[A Decentralized Autonomous Organization]
**1.1** The EffectDAO (“DAO”) shall aim to be a fully decentralized autonomous organization governed by this Constitution and administered through the medium of Blockchain technology. This Constitution is recorded permanently on the Blockchain and can be amended only with the methods and requirements stated herein.
**1.2** The EffectDAO is founded on the following core
**1.2.1 Growth of The Effect Network:** The primary objective of the DAO is to grow the products and services, community, and awareness of The Effect Network. To encourage and create a frictionless entry of skilled participants who can add value to DAO and The Effect Network. And to support the research and development projects in the area of Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain.
**1.2.2 Social Responsibility:** As a limitless distributed project we believe we should act in the best interest of the global society as a whole. Building a community that will contribute to the welfare of the global society and environment. Adopting key social responsibility principles, such as accountability and transparency.
**1.2.3 Inclusivity:** We believe that social, economic, and political inclusion is essential to sustainable global progress.
**1.2.4 Openness and Transparency:** All decisions made by the DAO Governance structures and all operations of the DAO will be open and transparent.
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## Constitution of the LiqwidDAO Community Association
### Originally Adopted 15th August, 2022, Cardano Epoch 357
## Preamble
As Liqwid ecosystem participants and builders on the Cardano blockchain, the members of LiqwidDAO pool resources to create this organization that will be of service to our diverse community. Our founding team members consist of highly driven individuals from all corners of the globe, each bringing their unique identities, worldviews and experiences. We build in unison as a team sharing a collective vision to provide the DAO and DeFi products that will allow us to coordinate and transact in a novel web3 model that prioritizes transparency and fairness above all else.
Our team strives to implement the organization's operational model in accordance with the core fundamentals decentralized blockchain networks represent. Our objectives shall be community shaped, our documentation open source, and our outcomes auditable to all. The LiqwidDAO will leverage Agora on-chain governance modules for proposal submission, voting and other community governance actions. The Liqwid Community Discord server (https://discord.com/invite/vZzGHKGz29) is open to all and includes a #gov-discussion and #temp-check channels used to catalyze discussion on specific governance ideas. The LiqwidDAO Governance Forum (https://gov.liqwid.finance/) allows anyone to submit temperature checks and proposals in a more formal setting meant for long form debates and discussions on specific points. The goal of using off-chain governance channels and forums is to build an inclusive system where all individuals who wish to participate in governance have the opportunity, and Agora on-chain governance smart contracts that guarantees that the decision of the majority shall be executed to move the protocol forward. Anyone may join or leave the DAO freely while we collaborate on the development of open source tools that are used by everyone but owned by no one.
In our natural alignment with the ethos behind Cardano's on-chain governance system Project Catalyst, the goal of our organization shall be the same: Provide a safe and lively environment for you to explore the highest potential of human collaboration.
# Article I - Organization
**Section 1.1 - Status.** LiqwidDAO Community Association (referred to in this agreement as "LiqwidDAO") is an unincorporated nonprofit decentralized autonomous organization operating on the Cardano blockchain.
LiqwidDAO is not intended to be, and shall not be deemed to be, a partnership.
**Section 1.2 - Purposes.** LiqwidDAO's core purpose is to build the tools & products that deliver value to both users of the Liqwid protocol and developers building on top of it. Coordinating to innovate on the existing DeFi model and bring more traditional finance and corporate governance products on-chain using Plutus smart contracts as coded agreements accessible by anyone with a Cardano wallet. We feel strongly that decentralized finance primitives represent a level playing field in terms of access to on-chain liquidity and as a result are themselves public goods that must be freely accessible to everyone around the world, always. If traditional financial services were as accessible, transparent, and auditable as on-chain financial services we could all benefit from life in a more equitable world. Consumer and institutional lending and borrowing products could be greatly enhanced by the composability and automation blockchain and smart contract technologies offers.
Our Mission Statement (may be updated via governance): LiqwidDAO is organized as a global cooperative to build DeFi and governance products that validate financial contract parameters and human coordination rules with code as opposed to trust. We seek to introduce novel deterministic tools with open participation and sustainable growth models that don't rely on trusted parties on a cooperative and nonprofit basis.
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## Mission Statement
This Constitution was created on August 11, 2022, to outline the goals
of DAO DAO. DAO DAO is a collection of contributors all over the world
who want to give people the tools to create decentralized autonomous
organizations. Decentralized autonomous organizations empower
individuals to organize themselves to accomplish tasks as a group. DAO
DAO's intent is for people to use this technology to improve the quality
of life on Earth and beyond for humans and their more-than-human kin.
### Tools to Make Life Better
The mission of DAO DAO is to build better governance systems. DAO DAO
provides tools to build decentralized autonomous organizations. As DAO DAO
continues to grow and refine its purpose, it will offer better and more
useful tools to all those who wish to use them. Imagine a world in which
decentralized networks of individuals around the world can organize in a
coordinated, transparent, and permissionless way, in real time. To arrive
at this future, we ("the "Founding Members") must clearly set forth
DAO DAO's guiding principles and structure in this document. This document
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# Constitution of ADAO Community Association
### Originally Adopted 1st March, 2022, Cardano Epoch 324
# Preamble
As users of the Cardano network, the members of ADAO come together to form this organization that will serve our community. Our founders originate from around the world, with different identities and experiences. We are brought together in our hope that decentralized technologies will allow us to cooperate in a renewed spirit of honesty and equality.
We seek to operate our organization according to the principles made manifest in blockchain technologies. Our knowledge shall be shared, and our actions shall be auditable. Our motivations shall be transparent, and our records shall be immutable. We will provide a forum where all voices are heard, and governance that ensures that the will of the whole shall be executed. Anyone may associate or disassociate freely while we collectively build tools for everyone to use. The mantra of our organization shall be this one unrelenting quest: Decentralization Together.
# Article I - Organization
**Section 1.1 - Status.** ADAO Community Association (referred to in this agreement as “ADAO”) is an unincorporated nonprofit decentralized autonomous organization operating on the Cardano blockchain platform.
ADAO is not intended to be, and shall not be deemed to be, a partnership.
**Section 1.2 - Purposes.** As more fully stated in its Mission Statement (as may be updated from time to time via governance) ADAO is organized for the following purposes:
- To share knowledge about what DAOs are and how to use them effectively.
- To develop tools for decentralized coordination and DAO governance on the blockchain.
- To offer educational, technical, organizational, and financial support in designing decentralized governance and developing DAOs.
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# The Constitution of Leserve DAO
*Version 1.0 ([changelog](https://github.com/LeserveDAO/Constitution/blob/main/Changelog.md))*
*We the people of Leserve, do acknowledge and respect the undeniable human right to acquire financial freedom. Leserve DAO delivers and enforces this right through a fully digital reserve asset that remains independent of any government, currency or centralized institution.*
*This constitution is established to embed and solidify the core values, principles and vision underpinning the Leserve protocol. The constitution shall be deemed as a fundamental pillar of the protocol fostering and cementing its social contracts, structure, functionality, integration and long-term alignment of its members.*
*While its exact form and state may be gradually altered and modified according to the amendments and propositions put forward by the DAO and the Leservian community, it shall encourage the long-term prosperity, independence and welfare of the protocol and its people.*
# Article I — The governing principles
(1) Leserve DAO is a decentralized autonomous organisation. It transcends borders and has a global reach with the overarching aim of bringing a solid and reliable reserve currency to every corner of the world in a decentralized, accessible manner.
(2) The governance principle shall be that of the meritocracy with democratic oversight of sLSRV/wsLSRV holders. We believe that a governance structure that values and emphasizes input from highly knowledgeable and engaged individuals who are deeply immersed in the Leserve community, will inherently lead to optimal results for the whole DAO and all sLSRV/wsLSRV holders. The executive power is held by those that contribute most to the success of the protocol.
(3) The DAO expects the governance participants to operate and communicate with integrity and with respect for each other.
(4) Proposals and discussions about them shall be backed by rational arguments, facts and data.
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DeGov Constitution
# The DeGov Constitution for The People, by The People
**We the People** of the World, in order to form a decenteralized union,
equitable Justice, insure global equality, provide for the common peace,
promote shared Welfare for people and planet, and secure the Rights of
Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity. Together we establish and maintain
this living Constitution for the People of the World.
## Abstract
To create equality, balance, and accountability among the People of the world. This organization, built on the evolving foundations of Web3, exists to educate and set examples for practicing decentralized governance (DeGov) amongst one another.
We the People, who are from all walks, all backgrounds, and all welfares unite under a common goal of decentralized governance to build a strong future. We each pledge to withhold, practice, and demonstrate the DeGov guiding principles and structures across all projects we’re involved in, as well as in all facets of our lives, both on and off chain.
The DeGov Constitution outlines a specific set of rights and responsibilities for the three pillars of DeGov. These three pillars are the contributory, the communal, and the technological. These are meant to represent the people who contribute, those who choose to participate, and the technologies we use.
ENS DAO Constitution
Links may also be important.
# Arbitrum Governance
> See here for alternative [high level overview](https://docs.arbitrum.foundation/concepts/lifecycle-anatomy-aip-proposal)
Arbitrum governance has two main bodies:
- **The DAO** - represented by holders of the $ARB token, and votes to pass proposals.
- **The Security Council** - is made up of a 9 of 12 multisig that can take quick action in case of an emergency and a 7 of 12 multisig that can take slow action for routine upgrades that bypass the DAO vote.
You can read more about these bodies and their powers in the [Arbitrum DAO Constitution](https://docs.arbitrum.foundation/dao-constitution).
## Invariants
- Only passed proposals made through the constitutional governor (the DAO) or a Security Council can upgrade the system.
- All proposals, except those done by a 9/12 Security Council will go through 3 delays: L2 timelock, withdrawal delay, L1 timelock. The 9/12 Security Council should be able to make an upgrade without any delay.
- Once a proposal has been passed, there is always time for a user to exit any assets they have on Arbitrum One or Nova before the proposal is executed
- A proposal cannot be canceled or blocked, except by the Security Council.
- Once a proposal has been passed, anyone can ensure its full execution through all stages.
## Assets under governance
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I believe that the first step to achieving AirDAO’s governance goals is in-depth research and studying the experiences of others.
I am trying to help with that.