AirDAO, the decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) that has been making headlines in the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry, is undergoing a radical reform of its governance, which is a big move.
With this change, the group hopes to improve community involvement and strengthen its governance system. With the main objective of enhancing efficiency and inclusivity, the effort is divided into three separate categories: voting, gamification, and legal. With the main objective of enhancing efficiency and inclusivity, the effort is divided into three separate categories: voting, gamification, and legal.
People who exhibit intelligence, ingenuity, and unshakable commitment are sought for by AirDao. The company is aware that its success depends on having a diverse group of contributors with a range of experiences and educational backgrounds. AirDAO thus extends an open invitation to everyone wanting to assist on this thrilling voyage.
1. LEGAL GW (Governance Working Group):
This subgroup’s main goal is to establish a strong legal foundation for AirDAO’s self-governance.
The creation of key papers, such as the DAO structure, constitutional/governance charter, voting charter, and others, is the responsibility of this group.
People with expertise in law or social work who are passionate about doing research in a community-driven DAO are actively sought after by AirDao.
2. Voting GW (Governance Working Group):
The Voting GW seeks to improve the DAO’s voting process by making it more fair and open.
The goals of this subgroup range from conceptualizing voting tokens and power gradation to establishing contribution ranks, token acquisition terms, and voting power calculation methods, as well as creating DAO voting rules, voting tools, and user-friendly interfaces.
Participants should have an understanding of systems analysis, a talent for mathematical modeling, and competence in one of the technical, scientific, or economic domains.
3. Gamification GW
Objective: In the Gamification GW, the focus is on developing tools for community interaction, scalability, and marketing.
Vital Areas: The goal of this subgroup is to create interaction models and technologies that advertise AirDAO, draw in new users, and make the network more well-known. It is looking for ways to focus community efforts on marketing and promotion objectives, encourage contributions to the project’s success, and recognize accomplishments through more votes, better ratings, and other types of praise.
Ideal Contributors: AirDAO is looking for community members who have knowledge of gamification, engagement, and incentive systems in addition to marketing, social media, and design skills.
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