Make a short & clear report about AMB Net technical features

Good day Kind sers,

Firstly, I would like to congratulate our newly elected council :clap::clap::clap:

I know you guys will be proactive and fully committed to AirDAO’s success !

I think we have a rich community, and we should take advantage of such diversity in skills & ideas. Maybe we might have innovative brains that have not yet shared some brights ideas.

How could they if we don’t have a clear vision of what can be achieved using the AMB Network ?

This is why i would like the council to create a task force to bring to the community a report about AMB net capabilities, specifications, etc in non-technical words so that anyone can read it and understand it (it could be named “State of AirDAO Network 20XX”).

It could be done by team members or community members and why not be funded by the DAO ?

The objective would be to have a document to which we could all refer to think about possible use cases and make use cases proposals.

Capture d’écran 2023-05-30 à 13.28.11


Good job to the AirDAO team and developers for their impressive efforts in making new website marks a significant milestone in its mission to create a decentralized system led by the community, where everyone’s voice Is heard.
I wish AirDAO continued success in the digital and crypto space.